Recently in Southern Utah, a man was killed when his car rolled onto SR-12. Investigators are not sure the time of the accident, but a passer-by found the site at 3:20 pm. Possible mechanical failure was involved.
Soon after, in Draper, another rollover happened on I-15. A white minivan rolled through the ramp on the 14600 South off ramp. Only one person had minor injuries, and was taken to Lone Peak Hospital. What is currently said to have been the problem is a mechanical failure.
It is a good idea to regularly check your car for the basics. The AA motoring advice site gives the following pointers for general vehicle awareness. Just remember “FLOWER”
- Fuel. Make sure you add fuel when you pass a filing station, rather than waiting until the fuel light comes on.
- Lights. Clean exterior lights regularly, and check for cracks in the glass, or blown bulbs.
- Oil. Check oil levels regularly. Don’t wait until the red oil pressure warning light to come on. Damage might have already occurred.
- Water. Overheating is a common cause of breakdowns. Make sure your windscreen fluid is not empty.
- Electrics. Renew an old battery before it breakdown. Also, check that the electric radiator cooling fan starts running when the engine heats up.
- Rubber. Make sure your tires are properly inflated, especially if you are driving with extra passengers or luggage.
If you check your “FLOWER” items regularly, your vehicle should not have unexpected problems that could cause truck accidents.
Image courtesy of ksl news