Crosswalk sign - push button for lightA story brought to us by Fox News shares the tale of a 15-year-old boy in Kearns, Utah, in now in critical condition. Tuesday, March 12th, at 7:15 am,  a group of teenagers were crossing at 5300 W and 5400 S on their way to Kearns High School. One car stopped suddenly to avoid the group of pedestrians, but a second came around and swerved into the boy. Unified Police Department Lt. Justin Hoyal said the kids had not been using a crosswalk. A woman who lives nearby, Amanda Simpson, told police that many students cross on that street every day on their way to school. While this is a main road, Simpson thinks the authorities need to reduce the speed limit because of all the kids walking around on a regular basis. She thinks it is not safe to keep it at the current 40 mph.

There is not a single crosswalk on 5400 South, and the Utah Department of Transportation claims there is no need for one. The past three to four year, the UDOT has conducted several studies with various factors, strongly considering the amount of pedestrians. Department spokesperson Adan Carrillo said that the situation of the road does not, “meet the warrant for an installation of a crosswalk or traffic signal at this point.” The results of the many studies did not signal the need to add any safety measures. However, the UDOT is still planning on researching the stretch of road on 5400 South, and the potential addition of road signs or safety precautions.


Image courtesy of Retailmania