argentine mastiffLast month, a Denver news reporter was bitten by an Argentine mastiff, requiring hospitalization for her injuries.  Kyle Dyer was reporting the rescue of the dog that was stuck in icy water for an extended period of time.  As she bent down to pet the mastiff, he bit her.  Now, one month, 90 stitches and two surgeries later, she has been able to return to work.  The residual injuries are a scar on top of her mouth and she has no feeling in her lips.  Fortunately Kyle is in such high spirits and is happy for the dog.  The mastiff was ultimately given back to his family after being quarantined for ten days.  Although dogs are wonderful animals that often provide great compassion to their owners, dogs have emotions and fears.  Their way of communicating is through adverse behavior such as biting.

Dog Bite Accident Book

Once a person is bit by a dog, many questions may arise.  The days following the incident are the most crucial moments in deciding what needs to be done.  The following is a list of a few actions to consider after a dog bite:

  1. Seek medical attention;
  2. Listen to your doctor;
  3. Hire a dog bite lawyer.

The Christensen Law Firm is dedicated to legally representing the members of their community when such incidents occur.  We have published a series of free accident books, one of which is The Utah Dog Bite & Attack Handbook.  These books go more into detail about what your next steps should be following an accident.  With devotion to our clients, we guarantee compassion to your case.  For a copy of The Utah Dog Bite & Attack Handbook, call us at 1-800 LAW BOOK.